Quick Start

All you need to do is download the source. And you already have a ready-made basis for the plug-in.


Download from the dev forum:


Click to play.

And you will immediately get a local preview of the plugin. All its buttons will work.

Now on to the settings

Open ReplicatedStorage.MyPlugin.Setting

Setting module
local Setting = {}

--The indication of the plug-in. Must be unique for each plugin, and have the same name as the main folder
Setting.Ind = "MyPlugin";

--Start page that is displayed after the plugin has been started
Setting.PageStart = "Start";

--This allows you to select in which mode the plug-in is displayed. 
Setting.Run ={
    isStudio = true,
    isPlayMode = false,

--Window size settings
Setting.Window ={
    widthMin = 140,
    width = 346,

--What the icon looks like in the toolbar of roblox studios.
Setting.Toolbar = {
    Icon = "rbxassetid://6948627768",
    Name = "Your plagin name",    
    Descr = "Your description in bottom icon",      

--Which tabs will be displayed at the top of the plug-in. Each tab should lead to a page. 
Setting.Tabs = {
    Start = {
        Text = "Start",    
        Image = "rbxassetid://994425457",    
    Example6 = {
        Text = "Container",        

--Do not change this parameter!!!
Setting.DEVELOP_LOCAL_MODE = false; 


return Setting



The indication of the plug-in. Must be unique for each plugin, and have the same name as the main folder


Start page that is displayed after the plugin has been started


This allows you to select in which mode the plug-in is displayed.


What the icon looks like in the toolbar of roblox studios.


Which tabs will be displayed at the top of the plug-in. Each tab should lead to a page.

Last updated